The things you must know about hard shell tent
Although considerably newer than their soft shell counterparts, hard shell tents have been around long enough to be nearly perfected by the handful of manufacturers making them. In North America, there are fewer than half a dozen companies offering hard shell tents, most of them commanding a price exceeding $3,000. What would compel a buyer to dosh out so much money for hardshell? In a word––convenience. The one attribute of a hard shell tent that drives most of its sales is the ease of set up and take down. Many of the nicer hard shell tents on the market include internal struts with hydraulically assisted deployment. To set up these tents, the user simply unlatches four buckles and the tent springs into position all by itself. After attaching the ladder to the tent, it is ready to go. Setting up a hard shell tent can be done with one hand in as little as 60 seconds. Stowing the tent takes a bit longer, but again can be accomplished in as little as 2-3 minutes. ...